Among the oldest gods of Greek mythology, these sea gods preceded the more noted Poseidon and were each decidedly more monstrous in aspect (Phorcys was generally depicted as a fish-tailed being with crab claws, while Ceto’s name literally translates to “sea monster”). Medusa was the daughter of the primordial sea deities Ceto and Phorcys, who were in turn the children of Gaia and Pontus. The Origin of Medusa Medusa by Gian Lorenzo Bernini Her image appears in various sculptures, paintings, and other forms of artwork, often depicting her as a terrifying and powerful figure.
She has also been a popular subject in art throughout history. Her fearsome visage was thought to ward off evil and protect against danger. In ancient Greece, Medusa’s image was often used as a protective symbol. She is one of the Gorgons and is depicted as a monstrous female creature with wings and snakes for hair and the ability to turn anyone who looks at them into stone. Medusa is a mythical creature from ancient Greek mythology.